Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Eyes of blue, sorrow in twos, my life will stand stern as a ship, blowing in the wind.

Woo improv poetry title.

My life as of late is interesting... sort of. I've finally been out and about. Tongues of Fire on Thursday was so good. Jeremy rocked, I like him a lot. He seems to be a really chill awesome guy. I debuted a piece I was a little wishy washy about, but I got a really good response, so that makes me enjoy the piece a lot more. Friday.... I went shopping with my Grandma. I love my Grandma a lot, so spending time with her was great. We hit some box stores, and then second hand stores. I got this chest from my Grandma awhile back, it's not too large, like, you couldn't fit a brick in it, but it's so nice, and I found a smaller one at the first shop we went to, and it has a little music player in it. So it's like a little music box. I figure I'll use it for a gift for someone I hold very close to me. So we shopped, and it was great. Saturday was a let down. I just set up the Christmas Tree, and sat around at home. Sunday wasn't too bad. I went to the Reading Room Cafe, visited Sinead and just hung around. Her Dad, and I'm assuming his love interest showed up, and they came by and they sat at many tables and ended up sitting around with me, in the comfy chairs, and it was so nice. I like Sinead's dad, he seems to be a very peaceful fellow. I like Sinead too, we actually talk which is something I'm loosing in people lately. Wait a second. I ...nevermind. Sunday I tried to go shopping, but it was a failure and a half. By the time I finally got into town, was finished talking to people I love, most of the shops I needed were closed. Which was alright. I could deal with it. Monday, yesterday, was dismal. I woke up to my mom being frustrated and annoyed that the computer was acting up. So I was in turn annoyed because she wouldn't chill out. So we were all up in each other's faces for the morning. Then it was fixed, so the tension settled. Then I wanted to go into town early and shop a little, but it didn't work out, because it was supposed to snow. And I didn't know if I was working tomorrow. So if I went into town and got stuck, I would have had to have packed all my work gear and a tonne of food, because I wouldn't be coming home tomorrow after work, because the slam is happening. So I just didn't go into town. Which bummed me out, I was excited to go. THEN I found out the $150 I was going to get for the Youth Ambassador training I helped with isn't coming until MAYBE before Christmas. I'm off to Vancouver NEXT WEEK. So I may have to pack food, and crazy budget, but I dunno. I'm gonna heckle a lot to get the money. It'll make my trip happen. But tonight was a lot of fun, it was Ben and Dave and Amy's birthday dinner at Earl's. Then we went to Peacock's. I really miss the band a lot. It was a lot of fun though. Fun watching people drink, that's for sure. I can never get bored of that. Then I came home, the bus ride was alright. I was in a fantasy world in my head, and feeling really comfortable there but someone I talk to got on the bus, and I just didn't want to leave the world, but I did. Then another friend got on the bus, and it's always good to see him. Then I saw my friend Eric drive by, and I hopped in his car and we passed by the mutual friend who I was on the bus with, and scared the crap out of him, ahahaha. So awesome. Drove up behind him, hit the horn, and then slammed on the brakes. He jumped a mile. So we were all in the car chatting. Then we dropped the one friend off, and Eric took me home, and we chatted a bit which was super nice. Now I'm chillin'. Hopefully having a band practice tomorrow, and shopping, and then it's the big bad slam! I am getting excited for it, it's gonna be a total blast! Gooooodnight everyone!!
<3 .

Monday, December 7, 2009

I remembered a part of what I wanted to blog about.

Being this sick takes me back to life a couple years ago. All I've been doing is staying up kinda late, not being able to fall asleep until like, 1AM usually, waking up at 11AM, and then sitting in front of the computer all day. That was my life for summers and stuff. After working, and doing shit; I hate it. I don't like being back here. I don't like being so sick.
Part of life, I guess.

Hey child, things are lookin' down, that's okay you don't need to win anyway.

So I haven't blogged in two months. There was just something going in my life I didn't want to broadcast, and I was a bit of a fool about it all, and the saga has completed and things are good. Ahahah, I this is horribly ambiguous, but deal with it. So two months... I got a new job. I garden in Oak Bay. I also do a bit of landscaping here and there. I've really enjoyed it, but the fall clean-up kills me a lot. Raking leaves. Lots of leaves. And clipping back. It just gets SO monotonous. But then it finally got switched up, and I did more landscaping work which was mega refreshing, and I ended up getting the flu. GREAT. There's where I'm at lately. Last Sunday-Friday I was FLOORED. Fever of 102.5/102.7 at times, couldn't eat for three days, no puking luckily, but I almost did, nose running like a fountain, coughing, it was awful. I spent so much time in bed it was absurd. Most of my days would be spent waking up at like, 10, showering until 10:30, sitting downstairs until noon if I was lucky, going back up to bed, sleeping/laying around until like, 3-4, back downstairs for a couple/few hours tops, then back up to bed until the next morning. I've been on the upswing since Saturday, but man does this shit linger. I dunno, I got my aum tattoo done on my wrist awhile ago. A month? 2? Closer to two. I also got my conch pierced, on my right ear. It's been almost a month since that. Ahh, I dunno what else to catch up on. I'm finding myself slowly edging into the Victoria Spoken Word scene and I love it. The people are great, the shows are amazing, and performing is always something I love doing. I'm feeling like poetry is something serious that I can really give myself purpose with, so I need to work with it more, for sure. I need to write everyday, it's a bit of a goal I have. I want to work with forms a bit, and just freewrites. I also need to work on writing about a topic, and sticking to it. Most of poems just float off and I'd like to do a few that stay on track, and tell a solid story. I dunno, it's exciting. I perform at Tongues of Fire, an Open Mic for spoken word, and it has a feature performer, and it's always a good time. It's every second and fourth Thursday of the month, show starts at 7:30, and is $5. Always a good time, as I said! And there's a slam happening on the 15th, I think? I've been told I should go in, so I figure I may as well! I'm just excited at where this can go... it's fun, and interesting, and constantly inspiring. That seems like it's the biggest thing in my life... I have so much to learn in that area, Spoken Word. So many people to meet, so much. It looks like I'll get a chance to really blossom. I've been second guessing my exchange a lot lately. I'm just not sure, it's so much money. $2,500 for the program alone (Which includes airfair, food, and a place to stay), but then there's shots, and clothes, and luggage, and extra shit I'll buy while I'm out, and all these little things which will easily tack on another $1,000, and that's all money I could use to just up and go somewhere. Or move out and breathe easy for a bit. I dunno. We'll see. I have friends going up to the Yukon in March, and I'd like to tag along with them for like a week or something, if I can get it off work, and then spending another week in Squamish on my way down to climb with Jaslyn. Then in the summer, I want to bike the gulf islands. Just fill up my backpack, hop on my bike, and see where it takes me. Again, providing I can get the time off work. That'll probably be two weeks. And yeah man. My trip to Vancouver is looking goooood. I'll arrive in Van at sometime. Then meet up with someone. Then it's Cafe Deux Soleil in the evening, for their open mic. I'm already stoked. Then I've got a blank slate day, then another day! So we'll see what happens. I'm excited! Then it's Christmas at home. Then there's Iris' open mic! And after that it's NEW YEARS. Hopefully something is happening at Braden's. Then it's Malcolm's party. The band is playing at both Iris's and Malcolm's, so hopefully that all goes well. Anyways, I'm damn tired. You can also blame a lovely girl named Emily for getting me back into blogging. I've been seeing her blog, and I love it a lot. It makes up a little bit for not seeing her as much as I used to. Be well, everyone.